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Community Council

All Bucklesham Parish Councillors are also Community Council Trustees. 

The Community Council was formed in 1967 to

'provide adequate recreational facilities, playing field and playground for the benefit of the community residing in Bucklesham'

and it has been a constant fund-raising charity for the village ever since. The Parish Council feel the Community Council is a vital asset for the village which needs to be protected.

DSCN2892Many grants and awards of money are only available to Community Councils and are not open to Parish Councils. In fact, many grants are not available at all to villages without a Community Council. There has been a Community Council in Bucklesham for decades when it was first set up to manage the playing field. The Community Councillors ensure that the constitution is fully adhered to and that any money raised under the auspices of the Community Council is spent solely in the village and on village projects. The Parish Council now manages the Playing Field and all the facilities for the whole village to enjoy. The Community Council can fundraise to provide for any village group that needs their support.

A Community Council AGM is held every year and an Annual Report given at the Annual Parish Meeting. In the interests of transparency, all Community Council business is open to public scrutiny. The Latest Community Council Accounts can be found here.

Community Council Constitution Equal Opportunities Policy
Safeguarding Policy Health and Safety Policy


The current Trustees of the Community Council are:

Jackie Brunning - Chair

Tracey Thompson - Secretary

Lois Mackinlay - Treasurer

Lynda Seagroatt - Parish Council rep

Jenny Cribb

David Riddleston

Sarah Hall


If you would like to apply for a grant from the Community Council to support your Bucklesham Club, Society or Group just ask. 

Contact the Parish Council Clerk  at buckleshampc@gmail.com for your details to be passed on.