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Bucklesham lights our Memorial Beacon for the first time

8 June 2024

On Thursday 6th June, we lit our new Memorial Beacon Brazier for the first time, in commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings. 

Read more on Bucklesham lights our Memorial Beacon for the first time

Village youngsters fundraise for new play equipment

7 March 2024

Three village youngsters have successfully fundraised thousands of pounds for an inclusive roundabout for the Playing Field. 

Read more on Village youngsters fundraise for new play equipment

Planning Application for major New Development

17 January 2024

The Parish Council will be discussing the Planning Application for a major new development on ground opposite the Crematorium on Felixstowe Road, Nacton, at an extraordinary meeting on Wednesday 24th January at 7pm in the Bucklesham Village Hall. 

Read more on Planning Application for major New Development

New Monkey Challenge Climbing Wall on Playing Field

1 December 2023

Monkey Challenge Climbing Wall on the Playing Field

We have some exciting new equipment on the Playing Field - a Monkey Challenge Climbing Wall.

The equipment is ready, so who will be the first 'little monkeys' to have a go?

As with all the equipment on the field, all children must be supervised by an adult. All participants use equipment at their own risk.

Read more on New Monkey Challenge Climbing Wall on Playing Field

Small Village of the Year Awards - Bucklesham 'Highly Commended'

1 December 2023

Small Village of the Year Award - Bucklesham receives 'Highly Commended' 

The Suffolk Association Of Local Councils' ‘Suffolk Community Awards’ were held on 25th September. Bucklesham had been nominated for 'Small Village of the Year' and we are thrilled to announce that we were awarded ‘Highly Commended’.

Our Chairman, Cllr David Brinkley, attended the ceremony and collected the award on behalf of the whole village.

The judges said of us:

“What a great place to live and definitely a village punching above its weight. The Judges were impressed and inspired by the benefits the residents of this village experience, and it is clear it is as a result of all the efforts of representatives and volunteers working hard in a variety of ways, including successful funding bids for various projects. The resulting wealth of activities, provision and enhancement of much valued community assets demonstrated a focus on wellbeing, and it was clear they made sure no one was left out. The flourishing Village Hall is even open on Christmas Day!”

We have a certificate and will have a beautiful plaque to display in the Village Hall. The Parish Council Chair, David Brinkley, said:

“I felt very proud and privileged to collect the award on behalf of all the residents of Bucklesham. Whilst I accepted the award, I honestly did so with a great deal of modesty. The Parish Councillors past and present have all contributed as a true team, each with their own skills which are expertly mashed together by Ruth, our Parish Clerk. I hope it gives each of them, as well as all of the other volunteers within our community from the Village Hall Committee, the Community Council, the Friends of the Playing Field (FOPs), the Church and all the organisers of the many groups and societies, the satisfaction that their contribution in all that they do has not gone unrecognised. Huge thanks to you all."

Read more on Small Village of the Year Awards - Bucklesham 'Highly Commended'

Parish Council and District Council Elections 4th May 2023

17 March 2023

Local Elections are taking place on 4th May 2023. You will be able to vote for your Parish Councillors and your District Councillors. Please see details of the elections including how to obtain a nomination paper (should you wish to stand) and all the relevant dates. 

Read more on Parish Council and District Council Elections 4th May 2023

New Nest Swing on Playing Field

29 October 2022

Bucklesham resident, Lelayla Baker, lobbied the Parish Council to ask for a Nest Swing for the Playing Field, and we are very pleased to report that it has now been installed in the Play Area.

Lelayla approached the Council last year, explaining that there were no facilities for children with disabilities. She asked the Council to install a Nest Swing that could be used by children who had difficulties in sitting upright in the standard swings. We were very happy to oblige such a polite and proactive young resident.

The Nest Swing was purchased with grants from Cllr Richard Kerry and Cllr Mick Richardson from their Enabling Communities Budget. The remainder of the money came from the Community Infrastructure Levy, paid to the Parish Council from new builds in the Parish.

Read more on New Nest Swing on Playing Field

Persistent problems in Bucklesham - Do Suffolk Highways have all the answers?

22 August 2022

Bucklesham Parish Council meet with Suffolk Highways

On Monday 15th August 2022, representatives from Bucklesham Parish Council met with a Community Liaison Officer from Suffolk Highways and Suffolk County Councillor Patti Mulcahy to discuss the ongoing problems in the village with regards to speed, bad parking on Levington Lane and Field View, parking at the school and the lack of passing places on Nacton Road.

Read more on Persistent problems in Bucklesham - Do Suffolk Highways have all the answers?

Bucklesham Hall Solar Farm Development

7 June 2022

Community Information Event - Bucklesham Solar Farm 

Read more on Bucklesham Hall Solar Farm Development